Why Do Good Customers Leave – Reoccurring Theme

Why do good Customers leave? Maybe it’s because we stop treating them the way they want to be treated! Let me make what I think is a good or maybe not so good analogy. Dating: When you first begin dating you don’t really no how things may end up. So you do...

Much to be Done

With the holidays quickly approaching there is much to be done. Christmas presents to be bought and wrapped, fudge and cookies to be made and maybe a party or two to attend. This is a great time to celebrate our successes over the past year and to be thankful for all...

Tune the World Out and Your Customer In

Just how good are you at staying focused, not letting outside distractions interfere with the task at hand and being fully engaged with those around you? I think as Sales Professionals most of us think we are pretty good at it. Heck, I’ve always been able to...