About Me

Retired August 2022!

I have retired after over 40 years in the Electrical Industry. Retirement is giving me the opportunity to slow down, reflect on my career and mostly look forward to the years ahead. Hopefully, no matter what stage of life you are in, I can provide entertainment and some value as I begin a new stage in my life.  


Hi, I’m Wes Ward and I’m a Regional Sales Manager for a large electrical wholesale distributor. My job requires me to train, inspire and lead a very diverse sales team in a fast and changing industry. I have been in the electrical industry for over 30 years and have been involved in sales for the past 20 years either as an account manager, branch manager or sales manager.

This is my personal blog. It is focused on sales and sales management from the eyes of an experienced and somewhat successful sales manager. I was a customer before being asked to join our company as an account manager. With that said, I think I have always tried to remember and share with our sales team “it’s the customer that matters”.

My goal is to create enjoyable, relevant and sometimes thought provoking content. I have always jotted down things each week that I think would make great topics for a sales meeting or training. By the next sales meeting, I usually have to limit myself to only one topic and get on with more pressing issues.

Blogging will give me a chance to develop and deliver two or three sales and sales management topics a week. It is my hope that these topics will be timely, effective and provide a value to you.

I hope you enjoy my website, WEWA on the Net: A Sales Managers Blog! I welcome your thoughts, suggestions and encouragement. You can leave appropriate comments after each post for all to see or email me directly at feedback@wewaonthenet.com.


This is my personal blog. The opinions I express are mine and do not necessarily represent those of my employer, wife or kids. I make no representations as to accuracy, completeness, suitability, currentness or validity of any information on this blog. I will not be liable for any errors, delays, or omissions in this information or any losses, injuries or damages arising from its use. The information I provide is on as as-is basis.