Really Good vs. Pretty Good

  What’s the difference between being really good vs. being pretty good? Maybe a million dollars! The inspiration for this article comes from a post by Seth Godin “Most ramen is pretty good.” The premise for his article is most ramen noodles are...

It’s Time to Focus on the Goals You Set

Are you accomplishing the Goals you set at the first of the year? It’s been a couple of months since we established our yearly goals. If you think back to December we began thinking about the things we really wanted to accomplish in 2014. In the post “Much to be Done”...

Goals and Plans

We are well underway in the New Year. I hope you have taken time over the past few weeks to think and come up with a few goals you are committed to achieve this year. If you have your goals identified, it is time to begin writing and preparing a plan to help you...

Much to be Done

With the holidays quickly approaching there is much to be done. Christmas presents to be bought and wrapped, fudge and cookies to be made and maybe a party or two to attend. This is a great time to celebrate our successes over the past year and to be thankful for all...