I’m a Worrier and I don’t care much for Kool-Aid

I worry that as our businesses succeed and grow, we will begin drinking too much of our own Kool-Aid, forgetting what really matters. Let’s get this out first “I’m a worrier.” I sometimes worry about how much I worry. So when I say I worry about sales “going too good”...

What Does My Tax Story Have to do with Sales?

Taxes, Sales and Referral Value  I remember years ago taking my shoebox full of papers and receipts and anything else I may have thought would be needed for tax purposes to Jim my Accountant or maybe better said Tax Preparer. Many times it was just days before the...

Only Price Matters?

You’re telling me your competitors are selling at a lower price. So what! You can’t get an order because your competitors don’t know how to make a profit. What’s new! Your Customers only buy on price! Oh Really! There’s not much you can do about your competitors...