Common sense and common practice much like knowing and doing are not the same.Use Common Sense

I know it’s obvious but knowing how to sell and putting that knowledge into practice (doing) continues to be a challenge for many sales professionals.

As sales professionals we have a tendency to make the sales process over complicated.

We work hard learning advanced techniques to catch our customer’s attention.

We spend hours making sure our presentations will dazzle our customers.

Sometimes we even resort to trickery and manipulation to get the sale. (This makes no sense please don’t do it!)

Yet, with all this done we don’t get the order!


“More often than not, when we fail to get the business (order) it’s because we failed to put common sense into common practice.”

Common sense tells us that:

  • We need to connect with our customers.
  • We should talk about things our customers want to talk about not what we want to talk about.
  • We shouldn’t waste our customers time by not being prepared.
  • We should be very knowledgable and focused on the products and services we sell.
  • We must consistently provide value to our customers.

If this is common sense, why can’t we make it common practice?

Our customers do business with companies and sales professionals they Know, Like and Trust.

This just makes common sense.

I truly believe to be successful in sales its no harder than to put common sense into common practice.

If we listen to what our customers are asking and how they want us to engage them, we then need to put common sense into common practice.

Once we have this knowledge (information) from our customers it’s time to get to the doing.

  • Follow your customer’s lead.
  • Look for solutions to their problems and concerns.
  • Begin implementing the sales skills and processes we’ve been trained to do.
  • Provide value with each and every conversation and sales call.
  • Engage with them the way they want to be engaged.

Sales success is not complicated it’s just common sense put into common practice!

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Now let’s get out there and put common sense into common practice!